Sunday, August 16, 2015

Vocabulary Words for Freedom Train

Vocabulary Words for the study of Freedom Train

1.     crooned                    said in a soft, low voice in a loving manner

2.     fretful                         upset; agitated

3.     vessel                         boat

4.     brooded                    thought deeply about something that makes you unhappy

5.     sullen                         gloomy; depressed

6.     despairingly             losing hope

7.     parched                    extremely thirsty

8.     discontented           dissatisfied with your circumstances

9.     liberation                  setting someone free

10.                        gawking                    staring at openly

11.                        abolished                  formally put an end to

12.                        vowed                       promised to do something

13.                        defiance                    bold disobedience

14.                        extravagance           luxury; a thing on which too much money has been  spent

15.                        vigorously                strongly; powerfully; forcefully

16.                        gravely                      seriously; in a serious manner

17.                        glumly                       in a depressed, sad manner

18.                        wharves                    a place where boats are docked in a harbor

19.                        dismay                       to cause someone to be upset, to appall or horrify

20.                        desirous                    eager for or longing for

21.                        wretches                   unfortunate, unhappy people

22.                        beckoned                 made a gesture with the hand to encourage someone to come nearer

23.                        exulted                      showed happiness, especially as the result of success

24.                        dignified                    having a serious manner that is worthy of respect

25.                        plodded                    walked slowly with heavy steps or worked slowly at a boring task

26.                        harboring                 keeping secretly; giving a home to

27.                        pretensions              trying to impress someone in a fake manner

28.                        contemptuous        insulting; disrespectful

29.                        sedately                    calmly; unhurried

30.                        slackened                 to loosen or relax

31.                        apprehension          fear that something bad will happen

32.                        patriarchal               controlled by men

33.                        secession                  withdrawing formally

34.                        surged                       moved suddenly and powerfully forward

35.                        contrabands                        goods gotten illegally

36.                        liaison                        communication that helps bring a close working relationship

37.                        destitute                   poor, without the bare necessities of life

38.                        proclamation           an important public announcement

39.                        expedition                a journey with a specific purpose

40.                        dinghy                       a small boat

41.                        delegation                a group of representatives for people

42.                        pension                     money paid for work

43.                        rheumatism             a disease that causes swelling of joints


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