Sunday, August 23, 2015

Vocabulary for Week of August 24-28, 2015

Week Two Vocabulary From Freedom Train

l.  abolished                        formally put an end to (p. 42 Now there was a growing community of people, North and South, who believed that slavery should be abolished.)

2.  vowed                            promised to do something (p. 49 When she was brought home, more dead than alive, he vowed to sell her if she recovered.)

3.  defiance                         bold disobedience (p. 49 Her act of defiance, resulting in the loss of a valuable slave, could not go unpunished.)

4.  extravagance               luxury (p. 55 If she scolded him for his extravagance or begged him to look for work, he’d throw back his head and laugh, teasing her until she joined in with him.)

5.  vigorously                      strongly; powerfully; forcefully (p. 57 She shook him vigorously. “Master’s dead.  They say well all be sold.”)

6.  gravely                            seriously; in a serious manner ( p. 61 Gravely, Harriet stowed the note in her market basket and made ready to depart.)

7.  glumly                             in a depressed, sad manner. (63 “We could be going around in circles all night here, for all we know,” Benjie glumly insisted.)

8.  wharves                         a place where boats are docked in a harbor (p. 67 Where the river flowed into the bay it formed a busy harbor, lined with wharves and fishermen’s huts and sailing vessels loading up for Baltimore.)

9.  dismay                            to cause someone to be upset, to appall or horrify (p. 71 With dismay, Harriet realized that they were building a fire.)

10. desirous                        eager for or longing for (p. 75 He was desirous of purchasing some of my hay, and he stopped the night with us.)

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